e Praful's Portfolio


Hello, I am Praful Sigdel. I graduated with a Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering with depth focused in Robotics and Control Theory from Vanderbilt University(May 2023). I also graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Physics from Fisk University. (May 2022). Currently, pursuing graduate studies at the USC Viterbi School of Engineering focusing on Flight Controls.

Work In Progress

Optimal Trajectory Planning and Control for UAVs.


To develop a general opensource framework for optimal UAV trajectory planning and control that is capable of addressing a broad range of planning objectives. This framework should not only compute the most efficient path for a UAV to reach a specified target destination, avoiding obstacles, and minimizing energy consumption under the influence of external disturbances (such as wind), but should also be adaptable to serve as a template for solving various optimal planning and tracking problems.

Work In Progress

Ray's Odyssey: Optimal Flight Control

Story of Ray: Let's observe the journey of an earthling or so-called "human being" a.k.a Astronaut Ray who embarks on an optimized journey on a (futuristic imaginary ) jet craft from Earth visits a few living creatures "stationed" at famous "International Space Stations(ISS)" , drops a package on the Moon, goes on a hike on Mars, and slingshots back to earth. Will Ray reach home before Ray's father starts getting mad about Ray's "not-so-ground-to-earth" shenanigans. Where is Ray's optimal endpoint? Does Ray even have an endpoint?

Past Work

Consulting Engineer @ Fisk University

Nationwide Eclipse Ballooning Project, Fabrication of Rocket airframe using Carbon Fiber through an Xwinder machine, Curriculum Development: Preprint Applied Science and Robotic Systems 101, Preprint Applied Science and Robotic Systems 301.

August 2022 ~ April 2023

Low Cost Autonomous Modular Submersible

Autonomous underwater vehicles provide unique benefits compared to traditional manned vessels as they are used in numerous commercial, industrial, and research applications. However, current barriers of cost and complexity prevent these vehicles from being used by the average consumer. This project aims to resolve these issues by creating a cost-effective and easily assembled submersible. We concentrated on the hull, the propulsion systems, and the internal electronics. With user customizability and modularity in mind, the hull is composed of easily accessible components such as PVC, as well as utilizing cost-effective 3D printing to manufacture parts. Implementation of a high-powered, multi-axis propulsion system provides high maneuverability and fine vehicle control, while application of a popular, commercially available control system allows for user customization and the ability to easily integrate external sensors to the vehicle. With high functionality and a total cost of around $500, our final product provides an innovative addition to the growing field of autonomous underwater vehicles.